> VC++ 信息加密聊天源代码-源码程序 > VC++ 信息加密聊天源代码-源码程序\code\SecChat\RSA.cpp

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#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SecretChat.h"	//应用程序头文件
#include "RSA.h"
#include <time.h>	//为了获得现在的时间

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

//#include "vlong.h"
static void assert ( long x )
	if (!x)
		char * z=0;

unsigned char bittab[256] =

DWORD flex_unit::get( DWORD i ) const
	if ( i >= n ) return 0;
	return a[i];

void flex_unit::clear()
	n = 0;

	z = 0;
	a = 0;
	n = 0;

	DWORD i=z;
	while (i) { i-=1; a[i] = 0; } // burn
	delete [] a;

void flex_unit::reserve( DWORD x )
	if (x > z)
		DWORD * na = new DWORD[x];
		for (DWORD i=0; i<n; i+=1) na[i] = a[i];
		if(a != NULL)
			delete [] a;
		a = na;
		z = x;

void flex_unit::set( DWORD i, DWORD x )
	if ( i < n )
		a[i] = x;
		if (x==0)
			while (n && (a[n-1]==0))
				n-=1; // normalise
	else if ( x )
		for (DWORD j=n;j<i;j+=1)
			a[j] = 0;
		a[i] = x;
		n = i+1;

void flex_unit::fast_mul( flex_unit &x, flex_unit &y, DWORD keep )
	// *this = (x*y) % (2**keep)
	DWORD i,limit = (keep+BPU-1)/BPU; // size of result in words
	reserve(limit); for (i=0; i<limit; i+=1) a[i] = 0;
	DWORD min = x.n; if (min>limit) min = limit;
	for (i=0; i<min; i+=1)
		DWORD m = x.a[i];
		DWORD min = i+y.n; if (min>limit) min = limit;
		DWORD c = 0; // carry
		DWORD j;
		for ( j=i; j<min; j+=1 )
			// This is the critical loop
			// Machine dependent code could help here
			// c:a[j] = a[j] + c + m*y.a[j-i];
			DWORD w, v = a[j], p = y.a[j-i];
			v += c; c = ( v < c );
			w = lo(p)*lo(m); v += w; c += ( v < w );
			w = lo(p)*hi(m); c += hi(w); w = lh(w); v += w; c += ( v < w );
			w = hi(p)*lo(m); c += hi(w); w = lh(w); v += w; c += ( v < w );
			c += hi(p) * hi(m);
			a[j] = v;
		while ( c && (j<limit ) )
			a[j] += c;
			c = a[j] < c;
			j += 1;
	// eliminate unwanted bits
	keep %= BPU;
	if (keep)
		a[limit-1] &= (( (DWORD)1 << keep)-1);
	// calculate n
	while (limit && (a[limit-1]==0))
	n = limit;

DWORD vlong_value::to_unsigned()
	return get(0);

long vlong_value::is_zero() const
	return n==0;

DWORD vlong_value::bit( DWORD i ) const
{ return ( get(i/BPU) & ((DWORD)1<<(i%BPU)) ) != 0; }

void vlong_value::setbit(DWORD i)
	set( i/BPU, get(i/BPU) | ((DWORD)1<<i%BPU) );

void vlong_value::clearbit(DWORD i)
	set( i/BPU, get(i/BPU) & ~((DWORD)1<<i%BPU) );

DWORD vlong_value::bits() const
	// DWORD x = n*BPU;
	// while (x && bit(x-1)==0) x -= 1;
	// slightly more efficient version
	DWORD x = n;
	if (x)
		DWORD msw = get(x-1);
		x = (x-1)*BPU;
		DWORD w = BPU;
			w >>= 1;
			if ( msw>= (1u<<w) )
				x += w;
				msw >>= w;
		} while (w>8);
		x += bittab[msw];
	return x;

long vlong_value::cf( vlong_value& x ) const
	if ( n > x.n ) return +1;
	if ( n < x.n ) return -1;
	DWORD i = n;
	while (i)
		i -= 1;
		if ( get(i) > x.get(i) ) return +1;
		if ( get(i) < x.get(i) ) return -1;
	return 0;

void vlong_value::shl()
	DWORD carry = 0;
	DWORD N = n; // necessary, since n can change
	for (DWORD i=0;i<=N;i+=1)
		DWORD u = get(i);
		carry = u>>(BPU-1);

long vlong_value::shr()
	DWORD carry = 0;
	DWORD i=n;
	while (i)
		i -= 1;
		DWORD u = get(i);
		carry = u<<(BPU-1);
	return carry != 0;

void vlong_value::shr( DWORD x )
	DWORD delta = x/BPU; x %= BPU;
	for (DWORD i=0;i<n;i+=1)
		DWORD u = get(i+delta);
		if (x)
			u >>= x;
			u += (get(i+delta+1) << (BPU-x));

void vlong_value::add( vlong_value & x )
	DWORD carry = 0;
	DWORD max = n; if (max<x.n) max = x.n;
	for (DWORD i=0;i<max+1;i+=1)
		DWORD u = get(i);
		u = u + carry; carry = ( u < carry );
		DWORD ux = x.get(i);
		u = u + ux; carry += ( u < ux );

void vlong_value::xor( vlong_value & x )
	DWORD max = n; if (max<x.n) max = x.n;
	for (DWORD i=0;i<max;i+=1)

void vlong_value::and( vlong_value & x )
	DWORD max = n; if (max<x.n) max = x.n;
	for (DWORD i=0;i<max;i+=1)

long vlong_value::product( vlong_value &x ) const
	DWORD max = n; if (max<x.n) max = x.n;
	DWORD tmp = 0;
	for (DWORD i=0;i<max;i+=1)
		tmp ^= (get(i)&x.get(i));
	DWORD count = 0;
	while (tmp)
		if (tmp&1) count += 1;
		tmp >>= 1;
	return count&1;

void vlong_value::subtract( vlong_value & x )
	DWORD carry = 0;
	DWORD N = n;
	for (DWORD i=0;i<N;i+=1)
		DWORD ux = x.get(i);
		ux += carry;
		if ( ux >= carry )
			DWORD u = get(i);
			DWORD nu = u - ux;
			carry = nu > u;

void vlong_value::init( DWORD x )

void vlong_value::copy( vlong_value& x )
	DWORD i=x.n;
	while (i) { i -= 1; set( i, x.get(i) ); }

	share = 0;

void vlong_value::mul( vlong_value& x, vlong_value& y )
	fast_mul( x, y, x.bits()+y.bits() );

void vlong_value::divide( vlong_value& x, vlong_value& y, vlong_value& rem )
	vlong_value m,s;
	while ( > 0 )
	while ( >= 0 )
		while ( < 0 )
		rem.subtract( m );
		add( s );

// Implementation of vlong

long operator !=( const vlong& x, const vlong& y ){ return y ) != 0; }
long operator ==( const vlong& x, const vlong& y ){ return y ) == 0; }
long operator >=( const vlong& x, const vlong& y ){ return y ) >= 0; }
long operator <=( const vlong& x, const vlong& y ){ return y ) <= 0; }
long operator > ( const vlong& x, const vlong& y ){ return y ) > 0; }
long operator < ( const vlong& x, const vlong& y ){ return y ) < 0; }

void vlong::load( DWORD * a, DWORD n )
	for (DWORD i=0;i<n;i+=1)

void vlong::store( DWORD * a, DWORD n ) const
	for (DWORD i=0;i<n;i+=1)
		a[i] = value->get(i);

void vlong::load( char * a, DWORD n )	//自己添加
	if( (n % 2) == 1)
	}	//加多一个字节,应该还是能还原的
	load( (DWORD *)a, n / 2);

void vlong::store( char * a, DWORD n ) const	//自己添加
	store( (DWORD *)a, n / 2);

void vlong::docopy()
	if ( value->share )
		value->share -= 1;
		vlong_value * nv = new vlong_value;
		value = nv;

DWORD vlong::bits() const
	return value->bits();

DWORD vlong::bit(DWORD i) const
	return value->bit(i);

void vlong::setbit(DWORD i)

void vlong::clearbit(DWORD i)

long vlong::cf( const vlong & x ) const
	long neg = negative && (!value->is_zero());
	if ( neg == (x.negative && !x.value->is_zero()) )
		return value->cf( *x.value );
	else if ( neg ) return -1;
	else return +1;

vlong::vlong (DWORD x)
	value = new vlong_value;
	negative = 0;

vlong::vlong ( const vlong& x ) // copy constructor
	negative = x.negative;
	value = x.value;
	value->share += 1;

vlong& vlong::operator =(const vlong& x)
	if ( value->share ) value->share -=1; else delete value;
	value = x.value;
	value->share += 1;
	negative = x.negative;
	return *this;

	if ( value->share ) value->share -=1; else delete value;

DWORD to_unsigned ( const vlong & x ) // conversion to DWORD
	return x.value->to_unsigned();

vlong& vlong::operator ^=(const vlong& x)
	value->xor( *x.value );
	return *this;

vlong& vlong::operator &=(const vlong& x)
	value->and( *x.value );
	return *this;

vlong& vlong::ror(DWORD n)
	long carry = value->shr();
	if (carry)
	return *this;

vlong& vlong::rol(DWORD n)
	long carry = value->bit(n-1);
	if (carry) value->clearbit(n-1);
	if (carry) value->setbit(0);
	return *this;

vlong& vlong::operator >>=( DWORD n ) // divide by 2**n
	return *this;

vlong& vlong::operator +=(const vlong& x)
	if ( negative == x.negative )
		value->add( *x.value );
	else if ( value->cf( *x.value ) >= 0 )
		value->subtract( *x.value );
		vlong tmp = *this;
		*this = x;
		*this += tmp;
	return *this;

vlong& vlong::operator -=(const vlong& x)
	if ( negative != x.negative )
		value->add( *x.value );
	else if ( value->cf( *x.value ) >= 0 )
		value->subtract( *x.value );
		vlong tmp = *this;
		*this = x;
		*this -= tmp;
		negative = 1 - negative;
	return *this;

vlong operator +( const vlong& x, const vlong& y )
	vlong result = x;
	result += y;
	return result;

vlong operator -( const vlong& x, const vlong& y )
	vlong result = x;
	result -= y;
	return result;

vlong operator *( const vlong& x, const vlong& y )
	vlong result;
	result.value->mul( *x.value, *y.value );
	result.negative = x.negative ^ y.negative;
	return result;

vlong operator /( const vlong& x, const vlong& y )
	vlong result;
	vlong_value rem;
	result.value->divide( *x.value, *y.value, rem );
	result.negative = x.negative ^ y.negative;
	return result;

vlong operator %( const vlong& x, const vlong& y )
	vlong result;
	vlong_value divide;
	divide.divide( *x.value, *y.value, *result.value );
	result.negative = x.negative; // not sure about this?
	return result;

vlong operator ^( const vlong& x, const vlong& y )
	vlong result = x;
	result ^= y;
	return result;

vlong operator &( const vlong& x, const vlong& y )
	vlong result = x;
	result &= y;
	return result;

vlong operator <<( const vlong& x, DWORD n ) // multiply by 2**n
	vlong result = x;
	while (n)
		n -= 1;
		result += result;
	return result;

vlong abs( const vlong & x )
	vlong result = x;
	result.negative = 0;
	return result;

long product ( const vlong &X, const vlong &Y )
	return X.value->product( *Y.value );

vlong pow2( DWORD n )
	vlong result;
	return result;

vlong gcd( const vlong &X, const vlong &Y )
	vlong x=X, y=Y;
	while (1)
		if ( y == 0 ) return x;
		x = x % y;
		if ( x == 0 ) return y;
		y = y % x;

vlong modinv( const vlong &a, const vlong &m ) // modular inverse
// returns i in range 1..m-1 such that i*a = 1 mod m
// a must be in range 1..m-1
	vlong j=1,i=0,b=m,c=a,x,y;
	while ( c != 0 )
		x = b / c;
		y = b - x*c;
		b = c;
		c = y;
		y = j;
		j = i - j*x;
		i = y;
	if ( i < 0 )
		i += m;
	return i;

class monty // class for montgomery modular exponentiation
	vlong m,n1;
	vlong T,k;   // work registers
	DWORD N;  // bits for R
	void mul( vlong &x, const vlong &y );
	vlong R,R1;
	vlong exp( const vlong &x, const vlong &e );
	vlong monty_exp( const vlong &x, const vlong &e );
	monty( const vlong &M );

monty::monty( const vlong &M )
	m = M;
	N = 0; R = 1;
	while ( R < M )
		R += R;
		N += 1;
	R1 = modinv( R-m, m );
	n1 = R - modinv( m, R );

void monty::mul( vlong &x, const vlong &y )
	// T = x*y;
	T.value->fast_mul( *x.value, *y.value, N*2 );
	// k = ( T * n1 ) % R;
	k.value->fast_mul( *T.value, *n1.value, N );
	// x = ( T + k*m ) / R;
	x.value->fast_mul( *k.value, *m.value, N*2 );
	x += T;
	x.value->shr( N );
	if (x>=m) x -= m;

vlong monty::monty_exp( const vlong &x, const vlong &e )
	vlong result = R-m, t = x; // don't convert input
	t.docopy(); // careful not to modify input
	DWORD bits = e.value->bits();
	DWORD i = 0;
	while (1)
		if ( e.value->bit(i) )
			mul( result, t);
		i += 1;
		if ( i == bits ) break;
		mul( t, t );
	return result; // don't convert output

vlong monty::exp( const vlong &x, const vlong &e )
	return ( monty_exp( (x*R)%m, e ) * R1 ) % m;

//// 求 x的e次幂,再对m求模
vlong modexp( const vlong & x, const vlong & e, const vlong & m )
	monty me(m);
	return me.exp( x,e );

vlong monty_exp( const vlong & x, const vlong & e, const vlong & m )
	monty me(m);
	return me.monty_exp( x,e );

vlong monty_exp( const vlong & x, const vlong & d, const vlong & m, const vlong &p, const vlong &q )
	monty me(m);
	vlong x1 = ( x * me.R1 ) % m; // Transform input
	vlong u = modinv( p, q );
	vlong dp = d % (p-1);
	vlong dq = d % (q-1);
	// Apply chinese remainder theorem
	vlong a = modexp( x1 % p, dp, p );
	vlong b = modexp( x1 % q, dq, q );
	if ( b < a ) b += q;
	vlong result = a + p * ( ((b-a)*u) % q );
	// Transform result
	return ( result * me.R ) % m;

static vlong half(const vlong &a, vlong p)
	if (a.bit(0))
		return (a+p)/2;
	return a/2;

vlong lucas ( vlong P, vlong Z, vlong k, vlong p ) // P^2 - 4Z != 0
	vlong D = P*P - 4*Z, U = 1, V = P, U1,V1;
	DWORD i=k.bits()-1;
	while (i)
		i -= 1;
		U1 = U*V; V1 = V*V + D*U*U; U = U1%p; V = half(V1%p,p);
		if ( k.bit(i) )
			U1 = P*U+V; V1 = P*V+D*U; U = half(U1%p,p); V = half(V1%p,p);
	return V;

vlong sqrt( vlong g, vlong p )
	vlong result;
	if (p%4==3)
		result = modexp( g, p/4+1, p );
	else if (p%8==5)
		vlong gamma = modexp( 2*g, p/8, p);
		vlong i = 2*g*gamma*gamma - 1;
		result = g*gamma*i;
		vlong Z = g;
		vlong P = 1;
		while (1)
			vlong D = (P*P-4*g)%p; if (D<0) D += p;
			if ( D==0 )
				result = half(P,p);
			if ( modexp( D, (p-1)/2, p ) != 1 )
				result = half( lucas( P, Z, (p+1)/2, p ), p );
			P += 1; // Is this ok (efficient?)
	result = result % p;
	if ( result < 0 ) result += p;
	return result;

//#include "rsa.h"
static vlong from_str( const char * s )
	vlong x = 0;
	while (*s)
		x = x * 256 + (unsigned char)*s;
		s += 1;
	return x;

	requires = true;

void private_key::create()
	char prand[2][LEVEL * 4/*必须不小于LEVEL*2 */], tc;
	DWORD i, j;
	DWORD validate[LEVEL];	//验证m的最高位是否为0
	prime_factory pf;
	vlong tmp;

start:	//条件不成立,重新再生成p和q
	for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < (LEVEL * 2); j++)
			tc = (char)(0x41+rand()%0xAF);
			prand[i][j] = tc;
	// Choose primes

	p = pf.find_prime( from_str(prand[0]) );//计算生成两个大奇数 p, q
	q = pf.find_prime( from_str(prand[1]) );
	if ( p > q )
		tmp = p;
		p = q;
		q = tmp;
	// Calculate public key
	m = p * q;	//当m的最高位是非0时,要加密的大整数最高位是0,就满足加密的条件了, LEVEL);
	if(validate[LEVEL - 1] == 0x00000000) goto start;

	e = 65537;	//如果这个固定的e不能满足条件,就重新生成p和q,直到条件成立
	if( gcd(p-1,e) != 1 || gcd(q-1,e) != 1 ) goto start;

	/*while ( gcd(p-1,e) != 1 || gcd(q-1,e) != 1 )
		e += 2;

vlong public_key::encrypt( const vlong& plain )
	if(plain >= m)
		requires = false;
	{	//只有出错一次就永远不能进行加密,只有再把requires=true
		return m;	

	return modexp( plain, e, m );

vlong private_key::decrypt( const vlong& cipher )
	if(cipher >= m)
		requires = false;
		//::MessageBox(NULL, "加密的数必须小于m", "private_key::decrypt", MB_ICONSTOP);
	{	//只有出错一次就永远不能进行加密,只有再把requires=true
	//	::MessageBox(NULL,"我错了","private_key::decrypt",MB_ICONSTOP);

		return m;

	// Calculate values for performing decryption
	// These could be cached, but the calculation is quite fast
	vlong d = modinv( e, (p-1)*(q-1) );
	vlong u = modinv( p, q );
	vlong dp = d % (p-1);
	vlong dq = d % (q-1);
	// Apply chinese remainder theorem
	vlong a = modexp( cipher % p, dp, p );
	vlong b = modexp( cipher % q, dq, q );
	if ( b < a ) b += q;
	return a + p * ( ((b-a)*u) % q );

void public_key::PK_to_vlong(PK pk)
	m.load(pk.m, LEVEL);
	e = 65537;	//一个固定的e

void private_key::SK_to_vlong(SK sk)
	p.load(sk.p, LEVEL / 2);
	q.load(sk.q, LEVEL / 2);

	m = p * q;
	e = 65537;	//一个固定的e

void public_key::vlong_to_PK(PK &pk)
	//把公开密钥转换成可用格式, LEVEL);	

void private_key::vlong_to_SK(SK &sk)
	//把私人密钥转换成可用格式, LEVEL / 2);, LEVEL / 2);

int public_key::get_requires()
	return requires;

void public_key::set_requires(int req)
	requires = req;

void public_key::encrypt(MessageDollop &dollop)
	vlong m, c;
	c.load( (DWORD *)&dollop, LEVEL);
	m = encrypt(c); (DWORD *)&dollop, LEVEL);


void private_key::decrypt(MessageDollop &dollop)
	vlong m, c;
	m.load( (DWORD *)&dollop, LEVEL/*必须是dollop的长度,否则会出错*/);
	c = decrypt(m); (DWORD *)&dollop, LEVEL);


void public_key::encrypt(MessagePackage &package)
	MessageDollop dollop;
	int quotient, remainder, i;

	quotient = (package.n * 2) / sizeof(MessageDollop);
	remainder = (package.n * 2) % sizeof(MessageDollop);
	quotient = remainder?++quotient:quotient;

	for(i = 0;i < quotient;i++)
	{	//把消息包分成若干块
			&dollop,						//目标 + i * sizeof(MessageDollop),//源内容

		encrypt(dollop);	//dollop.nil[0]必须为零,之前应该设置好了,如果已被解密就不用

		::MoveMemory( + i * sizeof(MessageDollop),//目标
			&dollop,						//源内容


void private_key::decrypt(MessagePackage &package)
	MessageDollop dollop;
	int quotient, remainder, i;

	quotient = (package.n * 2) / sizeof(MessageDollop);
	remainder = (package.n * 2) % sizeof(MessageDollop);
	quotient = remainder?++quotient:quotient;

	for(i = 0;i < quotient;i++)
	{	//把消息包分成若干块
			&dollop,						//目标 + i * sizeof(MessageDollop),//源内容


		::MoveMemory( + i * sizeof(MessageDollop),	//目标
			&dollop,							//源内容


//#include "prime.h"
long is_probable_prime( const vlong &p )
	// Test based on Fermats theorem a**(p-1) = 1 mod p for prime p
	// For 1000 bit numbers this can take quite a while
	const rep = 4;
	const DWORD any[rep] = { 2,3,5,7 /*,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37..*/ };
	for ( DWORD i=0; i<rep; i+=1 )
		if ( modexp( any[i], p-1, p ) != 1 )
			return 0;
	return 1;

prime_factory::prime_factory( DWORD MP )
	np = 0;
	// Initialise pl
	char * b = new char[MP+1]; // one extra to stop search
	for (DWORD i=0;i<=MP;i+=1) b[i] = 1;
	DWORD p = 2;
	while (1)
		// skip composites
		while ( b[p] == 0 ) p += 1;
		if ( p == MP ) break;
		np += 1;
		// cross off multiples
		DWORD c = p*2;
		while ( c < MP )
			b[c] = 0;
			c += p;
		p += 1;
	pl = new DWORD[np];
	np = 0;
	for (p=2;p<MP;p+=1)
		if ( b[p] )
			pl[np] = p;
			np += 1;
	delete [] b;

	delete [] pl;

vlong prime_factory::find_prime( vlong & start )
	DWORD SS = 1000; // should be enough unless we are unlucky
	char * b = new char[SS]; // bitset of candidate primes
	DWORD tested = 0;
	while (1)
		DWORD i;
		for (i=0;i<SS;i+=1)
			b[i] = 1;
		for (i=0;i<np;i+=1)
			DWORD p = pl[i];
			DWORD r = to_unsigned(start % p); // not as fast as it should be - could do with special routine
			if (r) r = p - r;
			// cross off multiples of p
			while ( r < SS )
				b[r] = 0;
				r += p;
		// now test candidates
		for (i=0;i<SS;i+=1)
			if ( b[i] )
				tested += 1;
				if ( is_probable_prime(start) )
					delete [] b;
					return start;
			start += 1;

long prime_factory::make_prime( vlong & r, vlong &k, const vlong & min_p )
// Divide out small factors or r
	k = 1;
	for (DWORD i=0;i<np;i+=1)
		DWORD p = pl[i];
		// maybe pre-computing product of several primes
		// and then GCD(r,p) would be faster ?
		while ( r % p == 0 )
			if ( r == p )
				return 1; // can only happen if min_p is small
			r = r / p;
			k = k * p;
			if ( r < min_p )
				return 0;
	return is_probable_prime( r );

	private_key pv_key;
	public_key  pl_key;
	vlong m, c;

	pv_key.create(); //计算生成两个大奇数公钥和私钥:p,q,e,m


	DWORD a[8];	
	a[0] = 1234567890;
	a[7] = 3666667777;
	c.load(a, 8);

	m = pv_key.decrypt(c);	//先用私钥进行加密
	c = pl_key.encrypt(m);	//再用公钥进行解密

	private_key pv_key;
	public_key  pl_key;
	vlong m//*明文大整数*, c//*密文大整数*; 

	pv_key.create(); //计算生成两个大奇数公钥和私钥:p,q,e,m

	char *s = new char[VL + 3];
	char *q = new char[VL * 4];

	pl_key.encrypt(s, VL + 3, q);
	pv_key.decrypt(q, VL + 3, s);